
What Are Teeth Made Up Of?

Jun 30, 20221615 Views

As a layman, thinking that teeth and bones are the same is expected. They are pretty similar in visual appearance and constitute calcium. But this is where their similarities end. The answer to your question, “are teeth bones?” is no, they are not. Both structures of the human body are made from minerals such as […]

9 Ways To Treat Pimple On Your Lip

Jun 15, 20221491 Views

Pimples are bumpy protrusions that grow on the surface of your body and are mostly simultaneously used with the word acne. You may find it on any part of your skin surface, and do not worry much if there is a pimple on your lip too. Having a lip pimple is pretty common and usually […]

Want To Know How Does A Cavity Look Like On Teeth?

May 30, 20221677 Views

If your teeth have tiny black spots on them, there might be a chance that they are actually cavities. You must wonder how to distinguish if you have a cavity vs stain? Well, we are here with answers. In this blog, we have detailed specific marking characteristics that will help you understand what does a […]
